I have really enjoyed this summer; I feel I have had a good slice of sunshine.
I have spent the summer months practicing and perfecting my Yin Yoga skills. I embarked on a course at the start of the year and I loved the content and the practice.
I have learnt so much about the body and how we ignore deep connective tissue when performing normal stretches. For that reason, the tissues get knotted and tight and it's not until we hold a stretch/position for a minute or two that we get to elongate and stretch the deep tissue that lies so deep within our bodies. There is so much more to Yin Yoga than just the poses it really is a journey of self-discovery, self-respect, awareness, self-love and growth. If you had asked me 18 months ago that I would be talking about yoga or taking part in something that is focussed on stillness of the body and mind and the amazing benefits both mentally and physically I would have been very sceptical particularly about the physical benefits.
You have so much to gain, even if you think, as I did, that you love Pilates and you don't need anything else. The two are the perfect partners, all you need is an open mind a mat and I provide the rest. Don't be put off by thinking you have to be flexible to get into the poses because that is a myth, Yoga is about working with your body and developing an understanding of your body as well as learning to accept that our bodies and anatomy are unique to us and there are many different factors involved in the way our bodies move depending on past traumas, stress and where we store it in the body, bones, joints, compression, past injuries.
I have small intimate classes starting in October, each class holds a maximum of 3 people held in my home studio in Glasshouses. The classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and there are still spaces available. Why not give it a try - see my website more info?
Of course, there are also One-One Yin Yoga sessions available too for that personal experience just for you and that individual attention and to work on specific troublesome areas.
I have also spent some time thinking about how I can encourage more people to increase their Pilates and Yin Yoga practice. I have put together an online subscription plan where you can access a Library of classes for just £10 a month. You can access as many as you like whenever you like. It is the perfect way of building more core strength and flexibility adding to your existing routine. I will be adding in a yin Yoga program which targets different areas of the body on different days, anyone can try it experienced and beginner Yogis. Fundamentals and beyond will be coming out in November.
There are short 15- and 20-minute bite sized Pilates videos for busy people and longer videos for days when you are less rushed.
This saves you time of having to scroll through YouTube or trying to remember what we did in class and what sequence and if you are doing it correctly. As I spoke about in my last blog the change in your body when you practice Pilates more than once a week is very noticeable, the strength you will gain is very noticeable and it is life changing and once you have found that strength, fitness and stamina you will not ever want to let it go.
To access this, go onto the website and scroll down until you come to pricing plans, it's the silver membership pricing plan click on that and follow instructions.

If you experience any problems, be sure to let me know, Enjoy.
I have been reflecting, looking back on when I began teaching in person classes again, I have been noticing what marked improvements have been made and it thrills me.
It doesn't stop you all complaining but I know you all feel good at the end.
I heard a sports person once say, "you never regret a run" " You only regret the run you didn't do".
I have changed that saying into "You never regret the workout you did or class you attended" but you will never leave one of my classes or Personal training sessions saying or thinking "I wish I hadn't gone, or done that, I feel lousy now". You may feel tired, but it will be a good tired, a tired that will help you sleep well and feel good.
Don't live life and look back when your older wishing You had been more active or you were stronger, fitter, life is a journey, what you do with your body now impacts on what happens to your body as you age. Be strong and flexible in your body and mind and you will have a full and happy life look after your body and it will in turn look after you. Neglect your body and it will neglect you and you will feel it and wonder why?
Queen Elizabeth 2nd

Whether you are a Royalist or not there is no disputing what a generous, kind, intelligent, insightful, thoughtful, giving, caring woman our Queen was. Admittedly, I did not know much about the Queen at all before she died, and I don't consider myself a royalist but that said I had before she died the upmost respect for her, for the way that she coped with difficulties and the way she held herself with such dignity no matter what came her way.
Since she has died, I have found myself listening to people talk about their interactions or relationships with her and I know have a much deeper respect for her and think what an amazing woman and role model she was and still is to us all and how I would like to be more like she was.