The New Year provides the perfect opportunity to REFLECT on 2023 and RESET your mind for 2024
A bit of non judgemental reflection on the past year can be really good for the soul, for a change of direction or course or simply a reaffirmation that you are on the right track with or without a few tweaks. Most of us end up giving a bit to much of ourselves at times and not give enough time FOR OUR SELF, and we don't do enough of what makes us happy as individuals. Somehow we feel we don't have time to do the things we really want to to do, the things we never get around to. We rely on others to treat us, or wish others would treat us, We don't need to wait for someone else to treat us. We can treat ourselves, You are your best friend. You know yourself better than anyone else. You know what makes you feel happy. When You give to yourself more you feel less strung out and are therefore happier to give to to others.
A reflection on what has gone well for you this last year. What have you enjoyed? What haven't you enjoyed? Have You tried anything new in 2023? The year flies by in such a flash, life can get so busy that it can be easy to forget what's really important to us and what make us really, genuinely happy. A little reflection can be useful in thinking about what you want to do for the year ahead.
This is about resetting your mind,not resetting old goals that you did or didn't do in 2023. Taking what you have learned from your time reflecting on Yourself, your life, your events, your work, your exercise, and using that to really think ahead about what it is you want for the year ahead. Some of the same things you enjoyed in 2023, and perhaps some new plans, what would you like to do more of? What would you like to do? What have you realised in your reflection that you have wanted to do (be realistic, you can't fly to the moon without being an astronaut or maybe having a private rocket, you can't go to the Virgin Islands without having a tonne of money) but have yet to do?
I am not necessarily talking about fitness or exercise, it can be anything. Ask yourself, what am I waiting for? What's stopping me? What's stopping me from spending more time with my favourite friends, what is stopping me from going somewhere different on holiday and trying something new whilst there? What's stopping me from spending more time doing the things that make me happy?
Think about this scenario, you are walking along and discover a stone in your shoe , you can either continue walking along with the stone in your shoe which will only get so far before you have to keep stopping and eventually stop completely. Or you take the stone out of the shoe, and suddenly you feel so good, you feel happier, more comfortable, you are a better person to be around. What is the stone in your shoe? What is stopping you from doing some of the the things you want to do or have wanted to do, and keep promising yourself you are going to do? Money gets in the way of materialistic things but that's not what I am talking about here. Materialistic things only buy us short term happiness ,I am talking more on a deeper level .
Change your mindset, change the way you think about the year ahead. You have a whole fresh new year ahead of you. This is Your life. You get to choose what you fill it with.
There will always be work and family commitments and responsibilities, exercise is important for physical and mental health reasons but that isn't the only thing your mind should be thinking about. You may have eaten one too many mince pies, too much Christmas pudding, drunk too much alcohol, eaten too many chocolates over Christmas, most people have, don't listen to the thoughts that make you feel guilty, you don't have to set a gruelling exercise schedule that is unrealistic, unachievable and one you are unlikely to stick with because it makes you feel miserable. Once you get back into healthy eating and cut out the indulgences you will be be back to where you were before Christmas in a few weeks without all of the misery and pain as well as disappointment and guilt of another failed unrealistic New Year resolution based on guilt and not love.
So, now the buzz of Christmas is over its time to turn your attention on to YOU, give a gift of Love to Yourself, Love Yourself enough to REFLECT and RESET.