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Hi Everyone,

I scrolled and scrolled to find a picture relative to autumn in this country, allot of the pictures were of red leaves and sunshine which don't really apply to North Yorkshire. I could have chosen a picture of a rainy window but I thought that would be a bit depressing and a bit too realistic so I went for for this field instead which I think isn't too far removed from North Yorkshire. As for the winter picture I tried to find something positive and I thought about the mountains in the Lake District and Scotland and Mountains all over the world that look beautiful in winter when they are topped with snow.


You should already know this as I say it often enough in class but I am so proud of you all in how you have taken on the plank challenge. you are not able to see it but i can see a huge change in posture,strength and technique. That goes for those doing the modified version too. YOU ARE ALL AMAZING.


More than ever before in My career as a Pilates Teacher I am emphasising the importance of modifications and performing the exercises at a level that is suits your body.

There are times when we need to take it down a notch/level that may be because of injury or lack of practice. Whilst I understand this feels frustrating, its important to remember that doing the right exercises that are right for your body is more important than nailing The Teaser or the P;ank at its highest level. The mond is very good at choosing to focus on the negative and it can be hard to feel positive when you see others doing hat you want to do. If its a minor injury it's unlikely that it will last and you will be able to build up your strength gradually.Its not going Its not forever and try not to make comparisons with your injured self and past self, That's taking yourself down the misery route, Accept things how they are right now and focus your attention on all you can do to get better.


It's time to get dressed up in something that relates to Halloween.I am not talking a full on costume, but face paint, a top or bottom half that is a little halloween- EG - cat face, Bettlejuice face and stripy top - wolf face and ears, Voldermort from Harry Potter,

Frankesnstine, Zombie face, I will definelty paint my face and see if I can find part of a costume, ears or a top or both. There will be a spooky playlist too. It's a chance to have a bit of fun so don't be a party pooper Chat amongst each other for ideas. AFter all the restrictions of Covid and all of the horrible things that are going on in the world its inportant to focus on some good times.


Hampstwaite class-

29th November we will be having the class at Kettlesing Village Hall as Hampstwaite will be using the small room and the Main Hall for the annual Christmas Panto, DONT FORGET! ill remind you.


Last classes before Christmas Time to get dressed up again.. get in the festive spirit and lets all wear something Christmassy. Tops, socks, hats, you name it. There will be a non cheesy soft christmas playlist and twinkly lights.

Last Ripon class before Christmas is Mon 18th DEC

Last Hampstwaite class before Christmas Wed 20th DEC

Last Glasshouses class before Christmas Thurs 21st DEC

To end the year I thought it would be nice to treat you all to a lovely gentle stretchy Yin yoga session instead of pilates. To unwind your mind and get out any little niggles in your body before the holiday season begins. Please don't fret about not being flexible enough and not being able to get into the pose. Like Pilates, there are many different versions of the same exercise and none of the poses will be extreme. I promise you will leave feeling amazing.


Lets do this properly shall we? We have all worked hard in Pilates , Yoga and in life and our jobs so let's get dressed up and go for a meal out a bnd this time for those that want to, bring your partners, husbands or wives with you i'd love to meet them. You can tell them not to worry ,I wont be trying to persuade them to join the class, that's not my style at all.

This time I am thinking Harrogate see link below for restaurant. I've been there on numerous occasions with my classes and without. good options for vegan, gluten free, and carnivores.

Dates- and time 7:30pm

Fri 1st Dec

Fri 8th Dec

Fri 15th Dec

I know how busy this restaurant gets when its not Christmas so ill need to book it as soon as possible. Many of you let me know at the last minute last time but that was just the Claro Lounge in Ripon and it doesn't get that busy. This would be such a fun night out so I really do hope you make the effort to come. I am giving you plenty of notice so there is no excuse.

This evening out will be for yoga and Pilates classes.

End of year goals


Pilates exercises we will be continuing to practice with for the rest of the year. if you are injured or are trying to build strength in your back because of a long term ack problem or a recent injury your goal is to continue to focus on yourself and be patient and focus on performing each exercise slowly with control and with good technique and to stay as active as possible and to eat healthily as what you put into your body plays a huge part in how your body feels. Be patient stay positive do all that you can to help yourself, that may mena modifying or stopping things like DIY, or gardening, or hoovering ir lifting the bin out. Basically giving your back the best chance of healing. Also practicing your pilates every single day.

1/Plank- where you are now: 1 Minute and 27 seconds-GOAL 2 MINS BY DEC 18TH, 20TH and 21ST. You will easily achieve this.

2/Roll UP- from floor - IF you can ready do this the next goal is to do this for the first part with the hands behind the head before placing arms in front for the second half of the roll up.

2/Roll up from the ball- Goal to progress onto having the ball placed further away from you but coming up with good control and technique- eg no jerky movements at all.

3/ The Teaser-

If you are currently using a band-GOAL - progressing on to performing this without the band keeping the knees bent when your up at the finished position

If you are performing this with the legs in table top and have been for a while- GOAL to progress on to alternating between table top and from the legs at the start out in front of you along the mat.

If you already performing this with the legs straight along the mat-GOAL- legs higher chest open shoulders back

4/ The one hundred- legs up (if pos) head and shoulders off the mat, toes pointed and legs straight. Or if You need to stay in table top-head and shoulders up a little higher from the mat.

5/ one leg shoulder bridge- Goal- bottoms higher and to stay there! or increase to 2 reps each leg .

6/Swimming- goal- for more advanced people-GOAL-

arms and legs off the mat 5 sets of x 5 breaths in and x 5 breaths out with stability and control.

Middle level- head off the whole time just arms and legs that come down to the mat.

beginner/ for beginners or those with bad backs head comes up and down and we add one more rep in every other week starting at 5 reps each side.

Beginner- stretch out arms and legs fully, focus on lengthening your arms and legs and keeping your hips and pelvis stable on the mat.

7/ Criss cross and oblique toe taps- Goal for beginner keep elbows wide the whole time and avoid any movement at the hips.

Goal for others keep the stationary leg stable and in table top position

focus on a slow and controlled movement.

8/Side bend- GOAL- Increased lift and control for all levels unless injured) your goal is to stay motivated and positive and listen to what your body is telling you its happy with and what its not happy with, BODIES TALK.


Your goal is to let go of striving to get anywhere, to let go of perfection an dtrying to force flexibility by reaching the arms out as far as they can go. Stay present and allow the Yoga to do you instead of you trying to do the Yoga. Amongst the chaos of Halloween and bonfire night and the stressful build up of Christmas focus on what serves you well over Christmas as I know there can be a huge pressure to dash about visiting people all by the ned of the year as if the world were going to end. Lots of breath work and focussing on letting go and healing.

AUTUMN in yoga focuses on the large intestine and the lungs and the poses we are doing all relate to the lungs and the large intestine which both receive and let go.

The emotions related to the lungs and large intestine are sadness, greif, tiredness.

it's not unusual to feel these things when in the midst of your yin yoga practice as emotions are stored in the body and if there are emotions we haven't faced or dealt with they will stay in the body and come out as tension and tightness.

Remember I am always available for you to talk to about anything. We all could do with a good listener someone who will not judge or interrupt or give an opinion unless asked.

I look forward to seeing you ALL on the mat and helping you achieve your goals.

be consistent, feed your body with positivity and stay focused on the most important person and that is you.

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