Daylight is scarce, the days seem so short, the weather is colder, whether you are in Spain or Scotland it's all relative, if you have hot summers you will feel cold in winter even if its 18 deg. It can rain a lot In North Yorkshire and we don't see much sun, I find that challenging sometimes. I prefer a cold crisp bright day to a warmer cloudy darker wet day. Its the little things I do in Winter that keep me going.
I love to light the fire at the weekends, watch a good film, eat hot curry and homemade soup (Butternut Squash and Sweet Potato is my favourite). I also go out for walks, breathe in the fresh air and clear my head or chat with friends or my husband. I work up an appetite and take in some vitamin D.
For me its all about wearing lots of warm layers as I am miserable when I am cold. We lose a lot of heat through our feet and hands and head so wear footwear that is comfortable and warm, I don't mean Hiking boots but warm boots instead of shoes or trainers. I bought some soft walking boots for everyday wear and it is a brilliant investment. I don't have the wind nipping at my ankles and my feet are warm dry ad comfortable and they're practical too so the best thing for me. I wear a hat and cosy mittens when I am out walking.
Some find it easy to continue to exercise in winter, its non negotiable, they love it and wouldn't dream of not doing it. Some people aren't that affected by the winter months.
Other people feel tired, and are less energised and struggle to find the motivation. Perhaps your routine is outdoor exercise and you just can't face getting out in the cold and dark in the morning or the evening. Totally fine, exercise indoors for the winter, go to a class, shake up your routine. Don't feel bad about it, you don't have to punish yourself and go outside and exercise if that makes you miserable.
Animals hibernate in winter, they get the food they need and take it in to their homes and they rest until Spring. Ok we cant do that, we have to go to work, children to look after, people we want to see and there are things we want to do. Not to mention our joints would seize up if we sat around and lay around all winter, can you imagine? Spring time comes along and we would feel so unfit unhealthy and our body would feel so stiff and our muscles would have wasted so we would also be really weak. Come to think of it, how on earth do animals get away with it? They just seem to literally spring back into life! I feel some research coming on and perhaps another blog.
It is natural to want to slow down a bit and want to do a little less and spend more time at home during Winter. You are not giving up on exercise, you are just balancing out some extra self care, giving in to your bodies natural needs, slowing down a little, spending time at home, watching a good film, reading a book, listening to some music at home relaxing, reading the paper on a Sunday afternoon, as long as its something you enjoy and that you find relaxing. It's about giving your nervous system a break, giving your body and your mind some time to recharge and for you to refill your cup so that you don't feel like your dragging your feet all of the time, you are not pushing against the grain. Then when it is an exercise day you look forward to it, you can give it your all, because you have taken time out to rest your body and refresh your mind and nervous system.
Easier said than done?
I hear you, particularly at this time of the year, Christmas is coming , its a busy time, visiting family, shopping, wrapping, not to mention the blooming tree lights that will undoubtedly need untangling, that job in itself is enough to send me running in the direction of a quiet space for some de stressing Yin Yoga or meditation! But this isn't just about Christmas its about the whole of Winter, it's about looking after your mental health, its about preventing and minimising stress and nurturing your self.
Surrender and listen to your body and allow yourself time to have mini hibernation sessions.
1. Make a promise to yourself that you will look in your diary and find 30 minutes minimum to schedule in some down time (if you make a promise with yourself you are more likely to do it).
2. Blank out time in your diary and write in it:- Self care and think ahead what you want to do and write it down and or in your diary so you don't spend it working or cleaning or doing something for someone else, this is all about you.
1/Treat yourself to some new bubble bath and Soak in a deep bubble bath.
2/Light some scented candles and place them around your bath
3/Paint your nails
4/Make some seasonal soup or buy some fresh natural seasonal soup with some delicious crunchy bread
5/Read a good book, magazine, paper
6/Make a list of all the films you want to see and gradually work your way through the list 7/ Have a daytime nap at the weekend
8/Plan some things to look forward to
9/When its down time light some candles or dim the lights to help you relax
10/Meditate.- use some time for guided mediation - Finding Peace in a Frantic world is something I have used over the years and listened to guide me , now I am confident enough to mediate without guidance but there are times when I go back to the guided meditation to keep me on track if I find myself rushing it or not making time for it.
There is a lot of hype before and on and around Christmas time, life can feel dull, and a little empty and in January we are still really only at the start of winter, try to think positively, take a winter break away somewhere for a long weekend with some friends or family. Plan some days out, if you live in the city, plan a weekend in the countryside or if you live in the countryside then plan a city break, do something different to break up the winter months.
Plan a special Valentine meal out or in at home if your budget is tight.
Remember the days are beginning to get longer , each day it gets lighter a second earlier.