The air is definitely getting cooler if not cold at times. In Yin Yoga we have over the last couple of weeks begin to say goodbye to summer and invite the Autumn Into our lives.
Whilst we cant exactly walk about wearing summer dresses, shorts and t shirts in Nidderdale everyday the days are lighter for longer and we can put away the winter coats and thick woolly jumpers, we look forward to summer holidays and some days we can even dust off the BBQ and enjoy soe alfresco dining!!! So if you find it a little bit difficult transitioning into Autumn and winter here are some things to feel positive about.
6 positive things about Autumn
1/ the leaves turn a beautiful orange and golden brown colour
2/its a good excuse to buy a new jumper or coat or just some new woolly socks
3/ exercising outdoors is easier when its cooler and better for your lungs.
4/If you have children or Grandchildren Halloween is a fun time
5/Autumn and winter gives us all a chance to slow down and recharge our batteries as the evenings draw in its a nice opportunity to spend more time at home and light the fire or snuggle under a blanket and watch a good film , perhaps one you have been wanting to see but not had the time,
6/ Go to the Cinema, Theatre or Oprah, as we spend less time outside we tend to gravitate towards going out to do more indoor things, particularly in the evenings.
7/ The beaches are much less busy so it a great time to go for a walk on the beach with or without a dog.
Can You come up with any that resonate with you?

Summer achievements Pilates
The Plank:
- has been taken over the 2:30 second mark, I first introduced the Plank into the classes around spring of 2023 and week by week I added on a second or 2 or 3 and the goal was by December 2023 everyone would get to 2 minutes, I set that goal knowing everyone was capable physically of achieving this and the focus was on giving it 100% effort trying their best and not focussing on the outcome too much and everyone succeeded in reaching 2 minutes, I think many people at times doubted they would make it and so for those people the taste of success was even sweeter.
The technique has improved so much, There is allot more to squats than people realise, common mistakes are using the quads in the thighs to squat and get back up rather than the gluteal muscles in the butt. Another thing that can happen is going to low in the squat and if the core is not strong enough to help keep the upper body upright the upper body leans forward too much which then takes it away from the targeted area the gluteal muscles in the butt. I have noticed a big improvement in awareness and technique .
I have always focussed on bringing in an element of strength into the Pilates classes but I have focussed more on bringing about more of an even balance of flexibility, opening up the chest as well as strengthening the core muscles, I would say this is the influence of teaching Yin Yoga as well as Pilates and Personal Training.
One of my great passions is to give women in particular the power and freedom of upper body strength. I say women because strength training in its many forms is a fairly unfamiliar topic and experience to many women. I was struggling to find a way to make the push up accessible for everyone and did some online research and discovered a perfect way to implement the Pilates Ring into the press up exercise and at first not many people trusted the ring and did not use it properly, for many reasons, as well as it taking time to trust that the ring really can help take some of the weight of the body. I would say this is what has pleased me the most this year is seeing women who were once afraid of the Push up and afraid that the ring wouldn't work are now trusting the ring, trusting themselves much more and are building strength and feeling and noticing the benefits. ( Hello to managing to carry heavy shopping, small children, heavy boxes of shopping, and lets not forget wriggly small children and Grandchildren!) and so much more. The best is yet to come.
Men have also improved their technique, as I have given feedback and helped correct position's and advised on technique I have seen many of the men's technique improve significantly.
We will continue to focus on all of the above working on improving technique and strength as well as working toward a new plank goal of 3 minutes before we break for Christmas. That is not all, My aim for you all is to focus much more attention on your body as a whole not just one part, to pay more attention to detail, how the exercise feels, your breath, control over your body in each exercise and attention to your body and its movements. These things are important if you are to get the most out of each exercise in terms of using your core muscles correctly.
In Spring time I took the Wednesday Yoga class to the local village hall and its taken some time but recently it has really grown and grown into a wonderful group where each person is taking something positive and different away with them , Each New person that has attended has completely and utterly fallen head over heels with this beautiful ancient but in the modern world fairly new practice. What is wonderful for me and for those attending is the way in which they are able to let go of what they think they know and dive a bit deeper into the unknown, and begin to understand their bodies a little bit more each time they come and get to know themselves and the Yin Yoga practice a little bit more too.
The smile and relaxed look on peoples face tells me its just what they needed. which is a chance to stop, switch off and for one hour and turn their attention onto and into themselves to be in a space that encourages and promotes self care, self love, and self attention , and its only when a person begins that they realise what's been missing and this just adds to the already chilled out vibes in the class and the sense of wellness and happiness and clarity of mind and calmness that comes over a person when they step on the Yoga mat and into the a world that is Yin Yoga and refill the cup so that they can feel and are able to give more not just to themselves but to other around them, loved ones and strangers.
People become more forgiving, more loving because the attention is on those things and letting go of old stress and troubles that we hang on to and hold in our bodies and minds and begin to open up. This is not instantaneous it takes time to get used to sitting still and focussing on the stretch and the breath. The beauty is that Yoga is a journey of self discovery as you become better connected to the body and how it feels and what can be gained from not forcing or pushing but just being in the pose and realising that's all you have to do! Most people that come are totally not expecting to feel so relaxed and their joints and body to feel so good from just sitting in a pose .Most people come for a stretch and gain so much more than they were expecting!
As the evenings get darker I will be making the room cosy with battery operated candles. You are encouraged to bring a blanket to snuggle under for extended Savasana.
We will also be focussing on the transition from summer to autumn and winter. In your yin classes this will give you the opportunity to tune in to the season and fee/allow your body to ground into the earth and help you feel more grounded . In Summer time we are constantly on the go doing pushing , producing, ticking boxes, this can lead us to feel tired and less creative and energised. The Autumn and winter season are all about having the one hour on the mat to just be and implementing this into your life. making time to just be, walking in nature, reading a good book , listening to some good music, treating yourself to a massage,
having regular hot baths.. This will help to re set your mind and to feel more at one with the way your body is feeling, rathe than constantly fighting against the feeling of fatigue and rest, you are giving into it a little more at certain times, which will help you feel more energised more healthy and enjoy the busier times .
Autumn and Winter is all about balance, balancing out the Yin and the Yang.
We will even be taking our Yin Yoga at a slower pace, holding poses for a little longer and staying in savasana for longer.
Doing The above will give you more energy for your Yang exercise, Winter is a great time for focussing on building strength in your joints and muscles (with your flexibility of course as the two go hand in hand together) to prevent injury and the loss of muscle and bone density but focussing a little more on the Yin than you do in the busy summer months as a way of restoring the body.
Last year I organised fancy dress for Halloween in the Pilates classes, and played Halloween music. I feel this is a bit much for allot of people and over the top so this year I am doing away with all of that. I also usually try to organise a Pre Christmas evening out and play Christmas music in the final two weeks of classes before Christmas and last year I also encouraged people to wear something a little Christmassy in the last week before Christmas but again, I feel this was over the top and lets face it Christmas music is everywhere from Nov onwards and Christmas gradually begins to creep in to conversations and shops from October if not before! I think of these ideas and think everyone will love it but the reality is Pilates class is Pilates and Yoga is Yoga and its a nice escape from all the hype and that is exactly how it should be.
So..... This year and onwards there will be no Halloween theme or music, no Christmas theme or music.. Just Pilates and Yoga. This year it will be twinkling lights and a some extra time in relaxation and Shavasana as I know how much you all love this time at the end of the class and if ever I ask any of you what you want this is it! Maybe just maybe I might have learned the art of a mini head massage with oil by then and for those that want it I can also give you this too. I can't promise though!
1/Pilates was originally named Contrology before being called Pilates as its now known as. When you think about the Pilates exercises the movements are controlled, controlling the breath, the way that you breathe, performing each exercise in a particular order, using the equipment with control and with good technique. But, when we practice we become fitter, stronger, and apply better technique to the exercises and better control.
2/Push ups are a Pilates exercise, not just something I add in. Joseph Pilates didn't invent Push ups but for those of you that I teach Pilates to will know that push ups are a functional strength exercise, its tough, its a fantastic way to build upper body strength. Jospeh Pilates realised that when we train multiple muscles at once its a much more functional way of training the body as well as that when we exercise in this way there are less injuries and the whole body is worked much like in real life.
3/The first Contrology students were Men.
Joseph Pilates taught injured German soldiers when he was interned in an English camp during WW1 its in this time that Joseph developed Contrology/ Pilates .
4/The Pilates Ring (magic circle) was first created by using the steel hoop from a beer keg
5/ Joseph Pilates was a heavy drinker and smoker and it is this that killed him as he dies of emphysema at age 83. The New York Times obituary read- a white maned lion with steel blue eyes and mahogany skin, and as limber in his 80's as a teenager".
6/ Pilates quote by joseph Pilates - Its the mind itself which shapes the body. In other words, the willingness to try and to work through the exercise even though it may be challenging, and not give up, that is what shapes the body. When we feel tired, when we least feel like doing Pilates, but we do it anywhere that is what gets you on the mat and then as you get going you're so glad you did.
There is now an option to pay weekly in all Pilates classes and from November all Yoga Classes too.
Just go onto the website and look for Pay weekly and the area of your class- eg pay weekly Ripon Pilates .If you are away one or two weeks you can book in for the weeks that you are here and able to attend. Pay weekly classes are £12 and monthly booking stays at £9.
Yin Yoga Autumn and Winter
Here's a quick intro -peek into a more deeper meaning into Yoga
In China the Daoists saw 5 elements, the 5 elements in the model are earth, fire, water, metal and wood. These were developed from the patterns of the universe easily observed by anyone who watched.
Each Element begets another. This birthing cycle is very natural, Rain (water) causes plants (wood) to grow, When summer comes the heat Fire scorches these plants and trees. From the fire the plants to ash, which becomes earth. Within the earth are formed metal ores. Metals. when cold cause water to condense, forming the rain that begins the creative cycle all over again. Each element not only nourishes, it also controls an element and in turn is controlled. We also have a controlling cycle.
Harmony requires checks and balances. If any one element becomes too strong or too weak, imbalance occurs, illness sets in and harmony is lost.
There is a time and a season for each element.
The Daoists also believe and noticed that that the elements are inside us too. each of the organ pairs is the home of an element meaning harmony in our internal world requires checks and balance.
By balancing the energies of each organ, wholeness can be restored.
As in the table above we will be focussing in Autumn and winter on posses that are linked to Metal and water. We will be focussing on the lungs and the shoulders as these are the body parts most effected and associated with the Autumn element. Autumn and winter sees us want to slow down and a desire to curl up and keep warn and slow things down a bit and naturally tap into our inner Yin, as opposed to Summer when we feel more energetic and the need to do more and go out more. However it is still important to keep a bit of the yang and bot go into complete hibernation and stillness (we still need to keep fit and strong this is important to maintain physical health) so this is just a temporary pause and reminder to understand your body a little bit more and to be patient with your body and mind and balance things out a little more by not fighting the bodies bodies desire to slow down a little bit.
We will be in keeping with these teachings but I don't like to focus on just one area of the body for too long, There are many niggles and tight corners in the body that need attention.
Here are 2 great poses for Autumn - FROG POSE- Come on to all 4's and bring your knees to the edge of the mat and your big toes together keep your hips over your knees and lower your chest to towards the floor with the arms stretched out in front of you.
counterpose- child's pose-bring the legs together and allow your bottom to sink towards your heels with the head placed down on the floor and the arms either side of the body. stay here for approximately 1 min
Sphinx- lay on your belly with elbows bent and arms placed in front of the shoulders gently tilt the head down. Allow the shoulders to slide down into your upper back, stay here for 3 minutes in each pose.
counterpose- fold your arms on top of each other and rest the head on the arms and extend the legs behind you. stay here for approximately 1 minute too allow the body to settle back down.
See You Soon
Jo xx