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6 Fantastic reasons for strength Training in all stages of The menopause.


More women are becoming increasingly aware of the signs of menopause as thankfully there is much more information on the symptoms of both Peri menopause and the menopause and Post menopause. We are sharing experiences with our friends much more than ever before as well as using social media as an outlet for guiding others through the turbulent waves of Peri menopause, Menopause and Post menopause.

Most women have become more aware that regular exercise can help lift the the low mood that often comes with the Menopause but what about strength training? Where does that fit in? With stiff joints being a common factor in the menopause it can leave women feeling cautious about lifting weights or doing any kind of strength training as it can feel as though it would be counterproductive. With tiredness also being a big factor in the peri menopause menopause it can feel like it would just be too hard and it is really hard to motivate yourself when you feel so tired but once you get started you feel different. How? Read on to find out more, If you have never done strength training before the menopause, and the years leading up to Peri menopause are a great time to start. Its most definitely not too late to start in The Peri Menopause. Menopause or Post Menopause.

As a woman enters into the menopause and begins experiencing symptoms in response to the fluctuating hormones there are the more common side effects such as hot flashes, mood swings, low mood, depression, anxiety, increased anxiety, joint pain, as well as vaginal dryness that most people are aware of or beginning to become aware of as they read up on Peri menopause and speak to their doctor. There are also other physical symptoms that you may not be aware of such as deterioration of bone density, loss of muscle mass, and a slower metabolism as well as joint stiffness which I have spoken about above.

This is where the strength training comes in handy.

Consistent regular weightlifting, body weight training, Pilates both Reformer and Mat Pilates- In particular using the Pilates ring or a resistance band or a Pilates ball (I can testify to most of these) does help prevent the physical symptoms I have described above.

Peri menopause and menopause

The start of the body going into a new changes and a different change in the way women feel. This is a really important time to try to support your body. The decline of estrogen levels are a big deal as this can lead to osetoporosis as the muscles in your body begin to lose density.

I am 2 years post menopausal, I've been through the Peri Menopause, The menopause, and I'm now about 2 years in post menopause. I have had my fair share of joint stiffness and it didn't just affect my weak areas it affected ALL of my joints, including my elbows and my knees which was completely out of the blue) I can honestly say, its down to weight training, and Pilates that I have got off relatively lightly. I still get niggles, I still have stiffness in the joints and only wish I had started , Pilates and weight training earlier in my life because it is the combination of all 3 of these things that has been my saviour.

Strength Training makes me feel empowered, it makes me feel good about myself and my body, it feels good to be strong, My Joints ALWAYS feel better post training and Pilates.

That is a Fact.

  1. Strength training, doesn't mean lifting heavy weights, strength training comes in many forms, using the body as a resistance with floor exercises like press ups and low squats as well as Pilates (both mat and reformer) Power yoga, using resistance bands, Pilates rings added into your mat Pilates, as well as the use of small Pilates balls. Or using weighted balls like Medicine balls. Or if you're curious about weight training but don't want to lift heavy weights You can use a lighter weight and perform the exercises with lots of repetitions, Or lifting heavier weights with less repetitions. You can use kettlebells, dumbbells or a resistance machine. When you are strength training the muscles pull on the bones which in turn stimulates bone formation.

  2. Strength training increases your lean muscle mass which increases your metabolism (even when you're resting) as women enter into the menopause the metabolism decreases making it easier to gain fat. the more lean muscle mass you have the more calories you will burn at rest, Also, When You are weight training In particular practicing exercises that use multiple muscles at once require more energy which will mean you are burning more calories and fat during your workout.

  3. Strength training will help reduce stiffness in the joints and make your joints stronger.( I can testify to this, I am about 2 years post menopausal and so I've been through

  4. Strength Training will shape your body in a way like never before, Say hello to leaner more sculpted looking arms and legs and a smaller waist.

  5. Strength training will make you feel so good about yourself and give you a massive confidence boost and lift your low mood.

  6. Strength Training will make you think about food differently, because you will think about your body differently and want to eat the foods that are going to serve you and your body in the best possible way. Eating sugary foods, or those with a higher Glycaemic index are not going to help your joints feel good and neither will they help you get the most out of your strength training. You will need to eat more protein and more fat and that will make you in general for the most part want to eat less carbs, (although you do need some carbs for training)

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